The Magic Has Only Just Begun.

The Modern Photography Academy: Level II has arrived.

Implement, Grow, Transform.

The Modern Photography Academy Level II: Implement, Grow, Transform.









Congratulations On Completing The Modern Photography Academy!

I Have More To Share With You.

The Modern Photography Academy was designed to crack you open and to allow you to dream again. To show you that you can take your camera and your brain and use it build a life you love. The seeds have been planted. Your life is in the process of expanding. You're attracting new opportunities, connections and experiences. 

In the last group, we had photographers make incredible progress and book jobs with clients like Free People, Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie. But even more exciting was watching photographers push past their personal barriers and do what they thought was impossible — whether it was booking their very first job or getting a print magazine cover.

I know we covered lot in 30 days. The program moves fast and it's difficult to implement everything at the speed of the program. Now that we've learned the basics, we can harness that energy and momentum and take solid steps towards a future of more money, freedom and purpose.



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Level II: Roadmap To Freedom

To change our life and step into a new reality, we have to take action. We can't stop now. The more action we take, the more transformation we see in our life. If Level I was about learning and possibilities, Level II is about growing and implementing. 

Over the next six weeks, we'll dive into advanced topics and you'll receive weekly lessons, video Q+As and daily action steps. 

The Freedom Formula

My mission is to guide you into a future where you're free. In order to be free, you need three elements in your life and business. These elements support and work together to give you a life that is flexible, abundant and interesting. This program provides advanced lessons in the following areas.

A. Personal Branding + Working With Aligned Clients — Further Developing your personal aesthetic and pitching opportunities that make you the obvious choice for dream clients. 

B. Developing A Purpose Beyond Photography + Building A Secondary Income Stream — Uncover your personal genius and brainstorm, launch and sell a product/community/service that changes people's lives and brings in significant income each month.

C. Personal Launch Project — From concept to implementation, design a personal passion photography project that launches you onto the international art scene.



Give Your Future Self The Gift Of Freedom

I want you to imagine it's July. The borders are open. You've just landed in a little village in Italy called Polignano a mare next to the sea. You put your bags down in the small hotel in the village where you'll be staying for at least a month, maybe longer. You feel alive with inspiration and opportunity. The future is completely open.

A few months ago you created an online community for photographers like you. You're making a difference in their lives and it brings you so much joy to deliver this to them. Now, you're earning $15,000 per month from this "side project" and it's given you freedom beyond what you could have imagined a few months ago.

Because you weren't stressed about money, you were able to decline photography projects that weren't in line with your dream clients, and instead you worked hard on creating a gorgeous portfolio to use to pitch yourself. Now you're starting to get on the radar of your dream clients.

Before you left for Italy, you reached out to a brand and told them about your upcoming trip. They were inspired by your work and the location, and you made it an easy decision for them to hire you. A model is flying there next week and you're shooting a campaign for a brand you've loved for years. You're excited to explore the village and location scout for the project.

You ponder how much your life has transformed over the last few months as you finish an espresso in the village and walk down to the sea. It's hot. You take your clothes off and wade in the sea, turning around to see the ancient pastel village looking back at you. You feel like you're living in a dream.

You sit down on your towel and go on Instagram and see that someone iconic that you've admired for years is also here in the village. Your heart starts racing and you think "I wonder if I could shoot with them while they're here?". Half of you thinks it's impossible, but the other half knows in your heart that there might be a chance.

You send a kind DM and introduce yourself. You tell them you'd love to capture natural, authentic images of their time in Polignano while they're here. You close your phone and walk back through the village, as the smell of lemon and pasta drifts through the air. You haven't felt this relaxed in your life.

After you shower, you notice you have a reply from the person you sent the DM to — "Thank you so much for your message. Your work is very beautiful. We are having a private party on our friend's boat tonight at sunset if you are interested in joining us? Meet at the marina at 5pm. Maybe tomorrow we can take some photos around the village".

You truly cannot believe it. You get ready quickly and your heart races as you walk down to the boat. You're just "little old you" and you are now about to board a yacht, in Italy, with someone you've admired for years. What is this life? 

You meet all kinds of people at the party — magazine editors, brand directors, models. You bring your point and shoot film camera and take cool photos of everyone that they'll cherish forever. People ask you about your photography and you speak confidently, even if you feel overwhelmed inside. You aren't even aware yet that you've just made connections that will forever change the rest of your life in the best way.

You walk home through the narrow cobblestone streets, dizzy with excitement about the night you just had. You climb the stairs to your small room, open your window and sit on the window sill looking out in the village square. You had a night that you'll remember for the rest of your life, and feel so grateful for all the decisions you had to make to get you to this point — quitting your 9-5 even though it was terrifying, launching a product for your community before you felt ready, reaching out to modelling agents and booking shoots to build your portfolio, pitching your work to brands you thought were out of your league, booking that plane ticket to Italy. You can see that you're creating your future in real-time and you've never been more excited. 

Of course you still feel nerves and fear, but you're taking steps forward anyways. And a life that is beyond your wildest dreams is starting to take shape. 

Because you had the time and money to travel to Italy, your photos are becoming more interesting. Your life is inspiring to others, and more people are interested in joining your community. Your income is steadily growing and money is no longer something you think about. You're making connections and more brands are beginning to reach out. You're getting booked on bigger projects and negotiating higher rates. Your brain is buzzing with ideas and possibilities. You decide to take the personal photos you shot in Italy and publish a photo book featuring summer love on the shores of Puglia. It gets picked up by a publisher and you see your photography book on the shelves of your favorite book store next to photography icons. It's all surreal. You can't believe the wild turn your life has taken. You're still shooting with your inexpensive film camera and your authentic photos are a breath of fresh air in this industry.

You finally feel like your life is in alignment. There is no separation between work and personal life anymore. When your soul was calling you to Italy, it allowed you to book jobs with your favorite brands. As your photography improves, more people join your online community. It's all connected and for once, life feels effortless.

You've heard me say this many times, but this program is about much more than photography. It's about setting you on an incredible path of self-discovery, life-changing opportunities, and a fulfilling purpose.

That's what the next 6 weeks together is all about. Level II closely resembles my 1:1 mentorship. Now that we know each other, this experience is more intimate and personal.